When I'm going back, I can just use my boarding pass to check how much my flight has been delayed, because at that particular time, I'm not feeling like opening my iPhone, and checking out a particular icon. 我回印度时,我只要拿出我的登机证就可以知道我的班机延误多久,因为在这种时候,我不想打开iPhone,点选某个功能图案。
At this word of command, the Welsh wig and its wearer were borne without resistance into the back parlour, as at the head of a boarding party of five hundred men; 这道命令一下,威尔士假发和它的佩戴者就立刻毫无抵抗地被带领到后客厅去,就好像走在由五百人组成的攻入敌船的队伍的最前面似的;
During layovers, he writes thank you notes on the back of his business cards for the next flight, adding passenger names from the manifest after boarding. 在中途停留期间,他会在自己的名片背面,为下一班乘客写上几句暖心的感谢语,并在登机结束之后,按照旅客名单添上乘客的姓名。
I let him go back to that, that boarding school. 我让他回了寄宿学校。
A teacher back at the boarding school revealed to Shan Bo that Ying Tai was actually a girl. 学塾中有位老师向山伯透露英台实为女儿身。
He arrived back in Austria and checked into a small boarding house. 他回到奥地利,登记住进了一所供膳宿的寄宿舍。